Monthly Archives: January 2025

Personal Story of Life as a Christian and Educational Aspiration of Being a Nurse

10 tips for organizing your home office To have a truly successful internet business, you really cannot do everything yourself. There is such a high learning curve with all the different parts every money online. You cannot expect to teach yourself programming, copy writing, article writing, back linking, seo, and everything else involved in making […]

The Three Hierarchs are The Basil of Caesarea Gregory of Nazianzus and last John Chrysostom The Basil of Caesarea is also known as Saint Basil He was

Roulette system: why most people fail at online roulette system! Using pay per click advertising is essential for any business looking to make money online. There are a number of factors that determine the success or failure of any adwords campaigns.if you are in this position, your life is unimaginable. Witness those that paint body […]

Who could think of a better nearopening for a Pedro Almodovar film than a delirious scene of a Spanish dubbing of that holiest of holy cinephiliac films

Visualizing a writing future Sometimes when i’m writing, it’s an amorphous general audience of people who will one day read what i wrote. When i write in my journal i write to my cat who has passed on. She is my audience. Sometimes i have a very specific larger audience in mind, like cat lovers […]
