Tamilnadu Khadi & Village Industries Board
Tamilnadu Khadi and Village Industries Board
“The intent of Khadi production is not to compete with huge plant owners, or to provide jobs for few artisans, or to produce trendy Khadi clothes for urban people. Its main aim is to be a subsidiary occupation to agriculture. But this intent remains to be unfulfilled. For us to achieve this, we have to make sure that this industry can function in a self-reliant manner. Its success has to be felt in the villages. In the same way the people of the village make rotis or rice for their meals, they should be able to make clothes for themselves. If made in excess, it can be sold.
– Mahatma Gandhi
The Tamil Nadu Khadi and Village Industries Board was established in April 1960, with the main goals to create Khadi and Village related occupations in rural areas in collaboration with organizations involved in rural development and to develop, promote the khadi industry. Its main focus is to improve the economic conditions of the artisans and the rural poor through creating sufficient opportunities for profitable self employment.

The primary objectives of the Board are:
- Providing employment to the rural poor and village artisans.
- Producing eco-friendly marketable articles.
- Building up self reliance and promoting community spirit amongst the rural poor.
- Networking the rural artisans for improving their productivity and profitability.
- Developing and Promoting Khadi and Village Industries.